How YOUR Club can be easily involved to support Rotary SAFE Families
Our focus is on primary prevention. It aims to change the attitudes and behaviours that drive abuse by increasing and improving gender equality and respect in all aspects of everyday life. We challenge Government, women and men, boys and girls to change the structures, norms, practices, attitudes and behaviours that cause this abuse by challenging its underlying drivers – gender inequality and disrespect for women and each other.
- Select an Ambassador from your Club to represent your Members at quarterly online meetings of other Club Ambasdadors.
- Be regularly updated with the latest news and messages via your Ambassador.
- Take one of the Latest News items and place in your Bulletin or Newsletter.
- Rotary SAFE Families trusts you will choose to understand and apply the "3R's" of primary prevention of abuse.
- Speak out openly as abuse is a "taboo" topic in conversation.
- Provide messages of hope and encouragement to raise awareness of the traumatic problem of abuse both in Australia and worldwide. Replace with the importance and need for healthy, respectful relationships.
Your Club and your Members can shatter stereotypes, myths, and stigma, helping the public to see the realities of family abuse while being a leader in providing real hope and support for change.
Check out the Rotary SAFE Families website ( and/or email Dorothy Gilmour via:
You can freely access:
- SAFE Families logo enabling your Club name to be placed alongside logo (see Tab: "Ambassadors");
- Access to the template for printing Wallet Cards. Accessed under "Ambassadors". Note you can place your Club logo in the top right hand corner before printing. Wallet cards are a simple way of promotion plus the card has all emergency phone numbers for a victim or possible victim.
- The "Guide for Prevention of Family Abuse in Australia" is currently in English and seven languages so far. It is very important that we provide prevention of abuse and Australian laws to our CALD communities (culturally and linguistically diverse). Print it out and give to Community Leaders of diverse communities in your neighbourhood.
- A film in Swahili which presents the Guide for Prevention of Family Abuse in Australia in imagery.
Your Club will receive:
- Opportunity to have a Guest Speaker at an online meeting to answer questions and inform your Members about SAFE Families initiative;
- Ability for your Club to have any promotional articles, feedback, events re. family violence posted in "Latest News" on website or our Monthly Newsletter (send details to;
- Regular updates via the Rotary SAFE Families website, Facebook page and LinkedIn site.
Rotary SAFE Families is non-gender based and benefits all Australians including our Indigenous communities, Females, Males, Children, Youth, our Elderly, by providing ability to identify signs of abuse, be fully informed and able to refer victims or possible victims of abuse to appropriate support agencies in their State.
The SAFE Families films, materials are all freely available online and Clubs and community organisations can take advantage of these resources, take ownership and endorsement, place your Club or organisation's logo beside SAFE Families:
- View the four films found in "Resources" on website: Domestic Violence and its Impact on Children, Elder Abuse, Child Abuse and Abuse of Males;
- Have a public awareness campaign, a fundraiser and show the films to communities, show the film Elder Abuse during Seniors Week;
- Download and print out the translated Guide to Prevention of Family Abuse in Australia (translated from English to Dari, Farsi, Swahili, Greek and Hindi). Give to your local migrant hub or community centres to assist our non-English speaking communities.
- Provide printed information, wallet cards (using the example on website under Tab "Resources");
- Give your GP's, Chemists, Community Centres, places where people meet - printed flyers with your Club logo, and Rotary's prevention and referral methods of abuse;
- Inform friends, colleagues, family, workplace of prevention and referral methods around abuse whilst helping to reduce stigma attached to this “taboo” topic and reporting of abuse
- Talk to your colleagues in corporate, government and non-government organisations
- Share stories with media and broader community
- Acknowledge necessity for change: “No Excuse for Abuse”
- Take pride in being an ambassador for Rotary Australia in Stopping Abuse in Families Everywhere!
Promote your Club as SAFE = Stopping Abuse in Families Everywhere Club